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Sixth Formers join forces planting trees for the Queen's Green Canopy

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Sixth Formers join forces planting trees for the Queen's Green Canopy 1199 0

United College Sixth Form (based at Swindon Academy) and Marlborough College Sixth Form students donned their wellies to plant 420 saplings this week, as part of the two schools’ ongoing partnership.

Thirty students (fifteen from each school) worked together on Wednesday 8th December to dig and carefully plant the new trees at Granham Hill, overlooking the College and town centre.

The selection of indigenous trees, including rowan, silver birch, wild cherry, common oak, field maple and grey willow were donated by the Woodland Trust to Swindon Academy, and planted in an area of grassland owned by Marlborough College, with a public footpath running through it.

The project is an opportunity to combat climate change, creating a “re-wilded” area for the benefit of wildlife, with the range of tree species providing shelter, nesting and feeding opportunities all year round. The intention is that this environmentally focused project will be passed on from year to year, with students continuing to visit and look after the health of the trees as they grow, using a programme of cyclical maintenance.

Ruth Robinson, Executive Principal at Swindon Academy says:

“This is an exciting, long term project which will help to maintain our close relationship with Marlborough College, bringing our students together in a practical activity, and creating a positive impact on the environment.”  She continues “We are keen to get the next phase of the project moving in Swindon. Swindon Academy is planting fruit trees in our grounds, but we’re on the lookout for a local landowner – public or private - who could offer land for planting, in particular the Penhill and Pinehurst areas around the school”.

Landowners who are interested in helping should contact Swindon Academy Geography Teacher, Will Clements, at .

The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC) is a unique, UK-wide tree planting initiative created to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022, by inviting people to “Plant a Tree for the Jubilee”. Everyone from individuals to groups, villages, cities, counties, schools and corporations will be encouraged to play their part to enhance our environment by planting trees during the official planting season between October to March. Tree planting will commence again in October 2022, through to the end of the Jubilee year.

As well as inviting the planting of new trees, The Queen’s Green Canopy will highlight 70 unique and irreplaceable Ancient Woodlands across the United Kingdom and identify 70 Ancient Trees to celebrate Her Majesty’s 70 years of service.


For further enquiries about United College Sixth Form and Swindon Academy contact Julia Falcon:, Tel: 01793 426 981

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