All advice we provide students with is impartial and in their best interests. The programme is overseen by the SLT Careers Lead, Nick Warren and implemented by the Careers Officer, Daniela King. The Careers Programme has the approval of the board of governors, is backed by the senior leadership team and is reviewed termly to ensure its efficiency. The governor with Careers Lead responsibilities is listed on the Governance page, here.
The Careers Programme has been written in line with the Government’s Gatsby Benchmarks and takes into consideration the ongoing work and research completed by SWLEP.
The Careers Programme aims to
- Inspire and raise the aspirations of all students at Swindon Academy
- Provide students with up to date industry information and allow them to explore sectors based upon their strengths, interests and skillsets
- Give each student the opportunity to experience one meaningful business encounter each year they are in education with us
- By the end of Year 11, all students will have had workplace experience within at least one business and have met with a Careers Advisor
- Allow students to make informed decisions about the next stage of their career paths by giving them all the options available and ensuring they have the time to think about, question and consider each pathway
We have a range of both whole school, year group and specific student group events that run each year with the aim to support our young people in making positive choices about their future. As part of our Futures Week, every year group will take part in an:
- Employer Workshop
- University Talk
- Futures Fair (over 35 employers, universities and post 16 training providers join us to speak to students about their futures)
Students in Years 9-12 will also take part in a university visit where they are provided with the opportunity to see a university, speak to members of staff and students and learn more about why studying at level 4 and above may be a good option for them.