Careers Fair | Working with Business

Can you offer work experience?

We are always keen to work with business, public sector and professional organisations to help our students understand the world of work. If you'd like to offer a visit, a talk, or work experience, please contact us.

Please contact Daniela King, Careers Officer:

Careers Information for Industry partners

There are many ways you can help Swindon Academy students realise their potential and pursue the right career path for them. Please contact our Careers Officer, Daniela King at

Here are just a few examples of ways you could get involved:

  • Business Mentoring: This involves supporting students in their CV and application writing, understanding their motivations, choices, goals and action planning to reach their career goals.
  • Work Inspiration visits: Providing “a day in the life of type experience” to help students to understand the variety and scope of roles within an organisation and the career paths of employees. Many organisations find that young people are often unaware of the full range of potential roles within an organisation. This initiative aims to raise their awareness by providing an overview of the range of jobs that exist, ensuring they are better prepared when they enter the workplace because they will have more realistic expectations, understand what skills are required and be able to make more informed decisions about their study and career choices. For employers, this means higher quality applicants, reduction in recruitment costs and improved retention.
  • Mock Interviews: In order to make our mock interview sessions as meaningful as possible, we also use external business people to hold the interviews with the young people. The aim is for students to understand how to prepare for an interview and build their interview skills. We also ask that students are allowed time at the end of the interview to ask any questions they may have about you, your job, careers in your industry etc.
  • Work Experience Placements: We are always seeking businesses who could support our annual Year 12 work experience placement weeks in July. This allows students to get a real understanding of what it’s like work in a business environment, help them decide if the industry is for them and really steer them in a positive direction. We find a lot of students go on to apply for apprenticeship vacancies with the companies they have worked with.

Our partners

We really appreciate companies that work with our careers department because they can offer great insights to the world of work for our students. We create a productive relationship with organisations, which can develop over time. We are always delighted to hear from globally recognised brands who have a base in Swindon, as well as smaller specialist local businesses. To acknowledge their support, we have listed a number of current business partners below, with links to their careers pages.  You can also read some of the latest feedback from our Careers Fair, below.

".. I wanted to let you know how impressed I was with your students. They were very polite and engaged with me. They asked well-thought-out questions. I wanted to let you know they were excellent representatives of your academy."

Oxford Brookes University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences

Some really insightful questions from Year 8s, and all students were really friendly

Very well organised, polite pupils and tremendous yellow T shirt helpers. I visit at least 10 schools in the year, and your event is the best

Responsibility, Hardwork. I have been offered refreshments all day and greeted by smiles and kindness - students and staff have been so welcoming

Thank you for having Prospect Hospice at your recent careers fair. I managed to speak to loads of students, to tell them what we do in the community, and some are very keen to support us, especially when they get involved with the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme. A smoothly run, well organised day, with plenty of help on offer from the polite and well-mannered students in yellow T-shirts. An event programme which really takes you to another level when comparing careers fairs across other schools. I was swapping information and pupils were sharing their values in return

Prospect Hospice

Just to say, lovely students, really well laid out, and fab hospitality, so thank you. Big thanks to the older students who were fantastic on the day and really helped the smooth running.


“Thanks so much for having me - it was a great day with such lovely students 💖.”

4Schools Channel 4:

"We had loads of questions about veterinary nursing and sport, particularly from the older students."

Hartpury College

“Attending your careers fair last week was a pleasure. So well organised and those 6th form student helpers were brilliant on checking we had refreshments or anything we needed. One of the best I have attended so thank you!”

Prospect Hospice

"Your Ambassadors are very friendly and they were great at helping the younger students. We want young people to get to know us as part of the community and realise there are lots of interesting roles in the police."

Local Police

"Some good questions like - how long is the course? how much does it cost? and what is the social life like?"

Bath Spa University

"Really interesting conversations with students explaining the range of roles we offer. We've been saying social skills can be just as important as academic results."

Serco (Defence Academy, Shrivenham)

"We distribute for brands like Gymshark and Kate Spode so your students really engaged with us immediately and it was very enjoyable."

Bleckmann (global logistics)

"I tell students to choose their favourite subjects - then they will do well and enjoy what they're learning."

Bath University

“It was a great experience, and we are more than happy to discuss future visits. If we have helped a couple of students to study more, or have big ambitions, then it was more than worth it”

Swindon Town Football Club (Year 7 workshop)

“Thank you for hosting us last Friday - we had a great day! Staff were very helpful and organised.”

Bath Spa University
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