Our Behaviour for Learning Policy is a clear and robust system intended to ensure that all of our students have the opportunity to learn in lessons that are undisturbed, highly challenging and inspiring for all. The B4L policy, along with the Code of Conduct, sets out our expectations very clearly so that students can learn and make progress without being disturbed by poor behaviour or low level disruption.
In the RZone students will complete work related to their timetabled lesson. Pupils will work independently and in silence at all times. A reconciliation discussion will take place between the pupil and the member of staff whose lesson they disrupted, facilitated by a College Manager. The Code of Conduct applies at all times when in the RZone. Failure to follow the Code of Conduct in the RZone will result in the student receiving a fixed term exclusion of 1 day.
Students are permitted to bring mobile phones and electrical devices to school, but do so at their own risk. Students are only allowed to use their phones at break and lunch times in the canteen and covered area outside. While students are in the building, we operate a See it, Hear it, Lose it policy. This also applies to lesson changeover where students may have to walk through outside areas of the school. Students are expected to turn off and put away all electrical devices and accessories. If a teacher sees or hears a device it is confiscated and stored in main reception and can be collected by parents daily or by students on a Friday, at the end of the school day. Failure to hand over a mobile phone within 10 minutes of the initial request will result in the pupil being sent home. Parents can return the pupil to the Academy and place them into the RZone, if before 11.50am on the same day. If this is not possible, they will return to the Academy the next day and will be placed into the RZone by their parent/carer, following a meeting with a College Manager. Refusal to attend the RZone will result in a 1-day exclusion.
United Learning comprises: United Learning Ltd (Registered in England No: 00018582. Charity No. 313999) UCST (Registered in England No: 2780748. Charity No. 1016538) and ULT (Registered in England No. 4439859. An Exempt Charity). Companies limited by guarantee. Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.
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