Essential Information for Parents | Parents | Secondary | Swindon Academy

Key Information

This page provides some key day to day references to help parents and carers ensure every school day goes well for their child.

The first day for Year 7 pupils will be Wednesday 3rd September 2025, and all students need to wear full school uniform, (they won't need PE Kit on the first day). 

  • The pupil gates open at 8.00am - these are located to the right of the main entrance.  Please ensure your child arrives no later than 8.15am.
  • On their first day, Year 7 pupils will have a quiet day to get used to their new surroundings. No other year groups will attend.
  • Please ensure they have all their equipment with them, as specified in the Uniform and Equipment Expectations Booklet below.
  • They will need to bring money for lunch or a packed lunch if you are not entitled to free school meals.
  • The school day finishes at 3.35pm.
  • On their first day they will spend time with their tutor, get to know their tutor group, become familiar with the school building and be taught our values, expected behaviours and routines.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Parents cannot drive through the gates to drop off children.  Please park in a nearby safe place to drop them off.

Swindon Academy Parents' Handbook

The Parents' Handbook is an essential reference for parents and carers. It provides a complete overview of life in the Secondary phase at Swindon Academy. Our expectations of each student are explained clearly and you can find details about the curriculum and "Knowledge Organisers", and how our College system works. There is key information about how to contact us, important dates in the school year, and details about the Secondary teaching staff.  QR links throughout the Handbook take you directly into specific content, such as policies and webpages.

You can refer to the Handbook throughout the year.  Please click on the image to open and read through.

Swindon Academy Parents' Handbook

Swindon Academy Parents' Handbook

Uniform Guidance

Full details of our uniform and PE kit can be found in the booklet, along with a clear list of equipment required for the start of term. We expect ALL students to wear the correct uniform and bring the right equipment with them every day. 

Uniform Guidance

Uniform Guidance

Communicating with us

We use the Epraise app to keep in touch with parents and carers. You can access information about your child's progress, attendance and rewards through the app, and we use it all the time to tell parents about any changes, important dates and events. Parents with enquiries for staff should use their Epraise account as a messaging service. Access and instructions for Epraise are provided when each pupil starts school. If you are encountering login issues, please use this link.

Free School Meals

Are you eligible for Free School Meals?

Please apply directly to Swindon Borough Council. We strongly advise parents to apply due to the additional support they may access, as well as meals for their children:  

Music Lessons

If your child would enjoy learning to play an instrument, or just loves singing, this is their chance to take part at Swindon Academy. Please complete the form below. Any queries, contact, Curriculum Leader of Performing Arts.

If after reading the information provided you still have questions, please drop an email to and we will get back to you.

English as an Additional Language

We are proud that there are more than twenty-five languages spoken at Swindon Academy and over 20% of our students are "EAL". We ensure that all students, regardless of social, ethnic and cultural background, have access to the curriculum and participate in all aspects of school life.  All languages and cultures are valued equally. We recognise and value students’ home languages and backgrounds and promote bilingualism through our ethos, our curriculum, our education against racism and promoting language awareness.    

Provision for EAL learners 

On entry to Swindon Academy, we assess all new students whose home language isn’t English, to ensure they can access the right level of support. We have a designated EAL Coordinator who carries out initial assessments and monitors progress of EAL learners during their time at the Academy.    

EAL Intervention Sessions     

Where appropriate, EAL students will undertake further testing and will be provided with access to a range of EAL interventions, depending on their language proficiency. Students who are new to English receive intensive EAL interventions and are withdrawn from some mainstream lessons for additional English lessons. A number of EAL learners also have 1-2-1 reading sessions with the EAL coordinator to improve their English fluency. 

During these intervention sessions, EAL learners are exposed to a wide range of English grammar and vocabulary through a planned programme of support.  

EAL Students can also apply to be part of our Global Ambassador Programme who ensure new arrivals get support with settling into the Academy and building relationships with their peers.   

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Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.

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