Tutorial and PSHE programme
Students have a dedicated tutor who they meet with daily. During this time students are supported through academic mentoring and guidance. Weekly there is an assembly with their head of year. The compete with their tutor group in college competitions and follow a programme to support and enhance the skills and attributes needed to be successful. The PSHE programme has three core learning themes:
- improving their health & wellbeing
- helping them understand how to build positive relationships
- equipping them with the knowledge and skills to live in the wider world
Our students have a weekly session, and we actively seek out expert people and companies to speak to our students. We intertwine sessions on the core themes across each term to ensure our students receive an engaging PSHE education which prepares them for life in modern Britain. To ensure our students feel empowered over their own learning, we actively seek their feedback and, if appropriate, we tailor our curriculum to meet their needs.
Careers and post 18 destination support
Careers Education takes place within the PSHCE Programme and appears regularly within the Tutor Programme. Students are given information and guidance to make informed choices about their post 18 options. The aim of Careers Education is to enable our students to make well-informed choices about their career and study options and to be well prepared to make these transitions as they move beyond the College. Students are supported with their UCAS applications and apprenticeships. Students will have a 1-1 careers appointment with our career’s advisor. Students also go on work experience during the summer term of year 12.
Scholars Programme
Working in partnership with Marlborough College, United College Sixth Form provides students a unique supra-curricular program to ensure that they have personal experiences above and beyond the conventional syllabus. It offers the best possible preparation for those applying to Oxford, Cambridge, Russell Group and other prestigious institutions, as well as a highly competitive degree courses such as Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science. Students are supported through our Oxbridge and medics mentoring program and meet with their mentor on a weekly basis. All students have the opportunity to attend after college subject Masterclasses, which enable students to think beyond there subjects.
The purpose of the Enrichment Programme is to offer our students with the opportunity to do ‘something different’. The opportunities on offer for Enrichment cover a range of interests and skills. These are provided to ensure that students leave The Sixth Form with more than just an excellent grade profile and help students stand out from the crowd. The activities we offer allow you to gain new skills, develop your existing skills, make new friends and take part in a range of leisure activities, for example:
- Online Courses
- Community activities
- Subject Specific Masterclasses
- Model United Nations
- Student led societies
- Peer Mentoring for younger students at Swindon Academy
- Young Enterprise
- The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE)